The Fox News Effect, revisited

Earlier today I reported on a "new" study of how Fox News influences voting patterns; the authors concluded:

We find a significant effect of the introduction of Fox News on the vote share in Presidential elections between 1996 and 2000.

On Wikipedia, however, you can find this link, to a May 2005 version of the paper, by the same authors.  (An alert reader, "MN," pointed me to this.)  Then the authors concluded:

We find no significant effect of the introduction of Fox News on the vote share in Presidential elections between 1996 and 2000.

Hmm…there is much to be said for changing your mind.  Given my motivated dentist and my forthcoming trip to Chicago, I don’t have the time to get to the bottom of this discrepancy, but comments are open in case you can explain how and why the two papers differ.  I am glad I titled that earlier post "Fox News Seems to Matter".

Addendum: Mark Thoma had noted the same a few days ago.


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