Headlines from the Berliner Morgenpost

This is from yesterday's paper:

Running header on the World Cup and dreams of a world championship

Fight about Opel brings the governing coalition deeper into a crisis

Billing fraud in a medical clinic is only the tip of an iceberg

Günther Jauch takes over somebody's talk show

A cashier, "Emmely," who stole 1.30 Euros in "Pfandbons" has been reinstated to her job (this is by far the biggest headline and biggest story)

A new study shows how little children today know about plants and animals

Then on the right hand side there are leads to other stories:

A particular kind of truck will be allowed to drive on some streets

Half a million German children have accidents every year, whether at home or in their time outside

An item, written partly in the local dialect, about the World Cup

You should note that the Berliner Morgenpost, while not Germany's most serious newspaper, is by no means a tabloid.  There are no photos of naked or busty women and there are plenty of sentences in the passive voice.  By United States standards, it would be considered a serious newspaper. 

Berlin, of course, is the largest and capital city of the largest and most important country in the EU and Eurozone.  Keep these headlines in mind the next time you read of trouble in the Eurozone and calls for greater intra-EU cooperation or a common EU fiscal policy. 

On p.8, the third page of the Business section, there was a short and inconspicuous article on how the ECB had prevented (past tense) a dangerous chain reaction from spreading within the Eurozone.  It's much less prominent than, say, the lead business page article about how the cartel-regulating bureaucracy is changing its policies for dealing with prices and rebates for glasses manufacturers in Germany.


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