Justin Wolfers throws down the gauntlet — Paul Krugman will judge

Tyler Cowen has laid down the gauntlet to the Marginal Revolution readers, pointing them to our contest to caption the infamous Bush-congratulates-Krugman photo, and urging them to “see if you can beat their readers.”

I’m also excited to announce that we have a very special guest judge: Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman has agreed to pick the winning entry.

Freako readers, add your entry here; Marginal Revolters, try here.

And Tyler, I’m willing to bet on my readers; are you interested in a side bet?

The link is here.  If Justin (and indeed Paul) is willing to count the MR entries that already have been created (here and here) and since Typepad comments are currently down leave new ideas here, I'll bet Justin dinner at the restaurant of the choice of the winner, U.S. only.  Justin, are we on?


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