The Revolution is Four Years Old!

Marginal Revolution is four years old today (at 3:07 pm EST precisely)!  It all began with The Lunar Men and since then we posted something new every day for four years.  In total we have had over 6000 posts, about 4.4 posts on average per day and we are closing in on 10 million visits.  If you were to print all of MR for the last four years it would take well over thirty two thousand pages.  I’d like to tell you how many pages exactly but Word can’t count beyond 32,768.

You, our readers, have made Marginal Revolution one of the most widely read blogs in the world. 
Thanks!  We would like to know you better.  So in the comments please feel free to say happy birthday especially if you are a long time reader who has never commented before.  How long have you been reading MR?  What’s your favorite post?   Do you live in some exotic locale?  Viva la revolution!


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